
Lecture 1: Philosophy

Make a distinction                                                          區分

Aim for                                                                            以。。。為目標

To some degree                                                              從某種程度上說

Modest                                                                            少量的, 不多的

Ethical theory                                                                  倫理理論

Extrinsic value                                                                 外在價值

Intrinsic value                                                                 內在價值

Attainment of happiness                                                 幸福滿足感



Lecture 2: Psychology   

behaviorism                                                                    行為主義

Behaviorist                                                                      行為主義者

Psychologist                                                                    心理學家

modest                                                                            少量的, 不多的

laryngeal                                                                     喉部

Muscular activity                                                            肌肉活性



Lecture 3: Astronomy   

asteroid belt                                                                    小行星帶

Mercury                                                                          水星

Venus                                                                               金星

Mars                                                                                火星

Uranus                                                                             天王

Saturn                                                                              土星



Lecture 4: Botany    

Plant fibers                                                                      植物纖維

Cotton fibers                                                                   棉纖維

Textile industry                                                               紡織業

hemp                                                                               ()的麻

Extract                                                                             榨出,萃取




















































































































































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