
the same as, similar to , like 之用法  

首先,the same as 的英文意思指的是when one thing is exactly like another,也就是中文的一模一樣。

所以,我們可以舉例說,Although the size of the screen is larger, the price of the TV is the same as the last version.   


Similar to & like 這兩個字的意思指的是 when two things are not exactly the same but share some similarities. 也就是”相似”的意思。 

例句: Is the TV really similar to the sample you show us? Does this TV look exactly like the sample you show us?  

這樣大家懂了嗎?   接下來有四題練習,與好友一起挑戰吧 
請至 FB粉絲團or IG  留言【@______,來回顧國中英文吧】,送小編將私訊答案給你們! 

1. Is this product item _____ what we saw in your office? 
2. We are interested in something that is at least ____ the item in your showroom. 
3. What is this product _____ ? 
4. We can offer _____ product _____ our competitors, but with one major difference - unbeatable low price.


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